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Ways to Make Your Ad More Engaging

ways to get your ad more engaging

If you were to make a list of things that are important for a business to flourish, marketing would be at the very top. Because it’s not just about what you sell it’s how you sell it. Marketing doesn’t just build brand awareness, it also grows your business by increasing sales, engaging your current and potential customers by associating positive emotions with your company, and building good-faith.

At its base, a good ad should inform and entice. However, since customers are likely to know what you’re selling, product or service, it’s more important to craft an appealing story or visual as to why it’s beneficial for them to purchase what you have on offer.

The ad needs to make the audience crave what you provide. From them to feel that they will be better off with it in their lives, then without it. But, how do you manage to pull that off? Well, here are a few tips.

Make the Viewer Feel Like They’re at a Casino

Excitement. That’s the name of the game. There’s a reason why MTV re-invented fast-cutting and explosive visuals in the 90s. It’s stimulating. Having a good understanding of basic psychology is a crucial aspect of being a great marketer. Instance, excitement might be a mental condition but it can have physiological responses. You need to know when and how these happen.

Arousal occurs when the body releases chemicals that stimulate emotions. Adrenaline is one that increases oxygen, glucose flow, and dilates your pupils so you can see better. You can often notice these changes on people while they’re on the casino floor, playing and enjoying the thrill of it all. However, today more and more people choose to play at online casinos. If you’re considering it, find a credible review first, like this review of Pure Casino for Indian players.

Use Compelling Storytelling

It doesn’t matter if you use VoiceOver or not to tell your story, what matters is if it’s gripping. You have to make the viewers connect with what you’re presenting, engage and enthrall them by all that happening right in front of their eyes.

This way, the ad is far more likely to be remembered by your audience. Then they’ll want to tell their friends about it, to see if it connects with them as well. Of course, they’ll have to mention what it was for and that;s how you get word-of-mouth advertising. One strategy is to incorporate your ad in an inspirational-type video. People love those and are more likely to share them. 

Focus on the First Few Seconds

We all know that people’s attention-spans are decreasing. According to new research, they’ve shrunk to about 8 seconds from 12 seconds a decade ago. With the invention of the internet and especially the smartphone, people are constantly overstimulated. Thus, if something doesn’t immediately grab their attention, they scroll or skip.

You’ve probably noticed that movie trailers on social media have a quick 3-5 second intro that contains all the best bits. This is done to tell the viewer – this is interesting, give it a shot. Giving it that bombastic presentation draws the viewer in, ensuring that they continue viewing the rest of the trailer.

Use a Memorable Tagline That Sticks

A good slogan is not to be underestimated. They are a very effective way to draw attention to a brand or product, which is why they have been used for such a long time. A powerful phrase can provide a precise picture of what the business is about and it can highlight things that are important to the customer in a catchy and fun way.

It helps build relations, makes what the company offers, stand-out, building brand recognition, which can increase demand. If you’re still unsure of how essential they are, just remind yourself of these – “I’m Lovin’ it”, “Taste the Rainbow,” and “Just Do it”. When said or read, everyone gets a mental picture of the logo and brand they’re associated with. That’s their power.

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