Evian Roller Babies A fabulous Ad Evian Roller Babies A fabulous Ad of Evian Pure Water. Naturally pure and mineral balanced water supports your body’s youth. Lets observe the effect of EVIAN in your body. Very Entertaining and fabulous ad by Evian roller babies.
In this 30 second ad for Apple, it shows off some of the new iPhone 6 features and the two star’s voices and hands, but not their faces. The ad also shows off some of the cool new features iPhone users can expect from the new iPhone. (source : businessinsider)
Facebook has launched 3 UK Tv ads, each ad have interesting story, they use instrumental music in all these 3 ads. Here are the three TV Ads “Our Friends” Our Friends from Facebook on Vimeo. “Friend Request” Friend Request from Facebook on Vimeo. “Girl Friends” Girl Friends from Facebook on Vimeo.