Television actress Pratyusha Banerjee, best known for her role as ‘Anandi’ in the popular serial Balika Vadhu, allegedly committed suicide on Friday. While the police have registered an “accidental death report” for now, sources said Banerjee, 25, is suspected to have hanged herself at her Goregaon residence. She was rushed to the Kokilaben Hospital, where […]
In the film ‘Heroine’ Kareena Kapoor wore over 130 different dresses provided from top designers from all over the world. It has been reported that Kareena’s wardrobe for the film was one of the most expensive out of all the Bollywood movies ever created. Shah Rukh Khan’s least favourite school subject was Hindi. […]
Actress Urmila Matondkar married businessman Mohsin Akhtar Mir on March 3 in a private ceremony in Mumbai. #UrmilaMatondkar #beautiful #bride — Manish Malhotra (@ManishMalhotra) March 3, 2016